Monday, November 05, 2007

ANASTASIS- the large version begins

This will be the bottom of the large Resurrection banner I'm working on for Park Church. Quite a change from the one I posted further down this page! I resurrected some fabric paint that's been hanging around and it was still good! Createx paint rocks! I used some of the stencil and atomized paint techniques I've used on paper.

I have other pieces cut and laid out on the basement floor which I'm using as my 'design wall', I'm excited about where this is going! I have a meeting with the minister and committee leader today- I hope they like this new direction. More postings as soon as they reveal themselves!


Nellie's Needles said...

WOW! Exquisitely done.

Veedubya said...

Thanks, Nellie, I love it! But my clients didn't. Too busy for their sanctuary. Too much color for Easter. They liked the maquette. So that's what I'm doing large with some modifications. But you can bet this painted piece will show up on another banner down the line! Painting in that way is one of my happiest places!