Thursday, September 14, 2006


I sent this image to a friend and since she had just been reading the Magnificat she said that it made her think of Mary, the mother of Jesus. She also referred to the people in the upper left as being in a communion circle. Interesting!

The people in my work are: witnesses, the faithful, those who have gone before, disciples, congregations, ancestors or just a mob of folks who jump onto the paper. I love hearing what others see in my work, because often it's a much more profound interpretation than what I'd intended!

This veiled woman has made a number of appearances lately. In Prayer for Beirut she looked like a woman in a burkah. In Morphing Composition, she looked like a nun. How else will she manifest herself. Stay tuned!

This image is framed and hanging in a show at the Eyekons Gallery, 210 East Fulton in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The show is Art Meeting the Sacred and the opening is tomorrow Sept 15 from 5-10pm. It's in conjunction with a conference of interfaith dialogue with artists from many faith traditions. Should be interesting.

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